Since I host a Newsies group that discusses topics of interest in the media, I often am asked for whom I will vote in the November election and my reasoning for the choice.
Actually, I have avoided the political realm since getting more serious about my blog and posting entries every other week. But a few friends have encouraged me to focus a bit more on the news cycle, since I do have an interest in journalism.
Frankly, I am not sure who will secure my vote, but I do know that it will not be Hillary Clinton.
This is not to say that she is incompetent or inexperienced. After all, after a stint as First Lady she did represent New York well as a senator, I think, even though she was a carpetbagger who ran in a state where she never resided. I thought she was doing a fairly decent job in the Secretary of State post; that is one of the most demanding government jobs, with an enormous amount of travel in addition to the responsibility of overseeing the work of thousands.
Since she has entered the presidential race, though, we have found out a lot about Clinton’s “interesting” ways of handling her State Department activities. Her staffer, Huma Abedin, not only got a government salary but was a consultant at the Clinton Foundation, Teneo Holdings (with strong connections to the Clintons) and she was paid as a personal assistant to Hillary Clinton. Apparently the whole thing was legal, but it deserves to be assessed in the context of how Secretary Clinton played the political game.
The situation in Benghazi that resulted in the loss of American Embassy staffers’ lives also has played havoc with Clinton’s reputation.
And the monies flowing into the Clinton Foundation? I cannot see on any level why a high-ranking American official, whose main job was to deal with foreign countries, would allow the same countries to give monies to a foundation tied to her family. It smacks of poor decision-making and a potential conflict of interest.
Even if I could put aside all of the aforementioned questionable actions, the main reason that I do not wish to see Hillary Clinton in the White House is this:
If she wins, her spouse, Bill Clinton, gets to reside in The White House.
Good God. This is a former president who was impeached! (OK, maybe not convicted but he is in the history books along with Andrew Johnson). His law license was suspended because of the Monica Lewinsky case. Why? Because he sullied the reputation of the nation’s highest office by conducting a sexual relationship with an intern and then lying about it.
The argument that the intern was of legal age is bogus, in my opinion. I was in charge of an internship program where collegians flocked to New York media sites for internships. Most of the students were seniors and 21 years of age. Yet, if one of them ever returned to me and said that some important media figure or mogul had made any type of a sexual advance against her, I would have marched into Manhattan, and insisted that action be taken to remove the offensive party. If I were rebuffed after providing some evidence, I would start a writing campaign to unveil the situation. Fortunately, I never had to deal with such nonsense.
But we Americans allowed Bill Clinton, the President no less, to remain in office. Seriously, how bad is that? If he worked for any decent company, he would have been canned for his relationship with an intern. And, please remember that he paid $850,000 while President to settle a case of sexual harassment brought by Paula Jones.
Now, if his spouse is successful in her bid to claim the nation’s highest office, Bill will once again be living in the storied building where his reputation was stained (an interesting choice of words, huh?). As the President’s spouse, he will get an office and perhaps even an intern! Seriously: think about this!
His wife already has said she will put him in charge of the economy. Why not? Smart play on her part. Old Bill can figure out how to help her in many situations, even if it means engaging in conversation with the attorney general in a plane to make sure the latter has to remove herself from inquiries like those related to the Clinton emails. (And I have avoided even discussing those.)
It is unfathomable to me to think that this country would believe it is a good thing to have Bill Clinton back in The White House.
So does that mean I will push the button for Trump in the polling booth? Maybe. Or maybe not. I could opt for a write-in vote. That’s a whole other discussion and I am sure I will focus on that in an upcoming blog.
As for Hillary: why she remained with her womanizer spouse, I cannot figure out. But she will have to dump him before yours truly even considers voting for her and allowing that flawed ex-President to take up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.